Students whom qualify with extensive experience that is closely related to the role and responsibilities of a Personal Support Worker may request for advanced credits in both the Theory and Clinical Placement portions of the program. Kindly refer to the process of each below.
Theory Credits
Students may qualify for a credit of up to 1/3 (130 out of 390 Hours) of the in-class theory portion of the program.
Previous related courses and experience
Transcript of Marks and related documentation
Interview with the Program Director
Submission of Transcript of Marks and related documentation
Schedule an appointment with the Program Director
Attend a Personal interview with the Program Director, includes a review of previous student transcripts
Challenge applicable Module Test and Performance Demonstration (if applicable)
Must achieve a minimum of 75%
The Program Director will determine the amount of credits that will be granted based on the experience and performance on evaluations. The student will be notified once the credit has been determined along with a explanation of the decision.
Clinical Placement Credits
Students may qualify for a credit of up to 110 out of 310 Hours of the Clinical Placement portion of the program.
Note: May only be applied to the precepts portions.
Related experience to that of the roles and responsibilities of a Personal Support Worker
Proof of related experience
i.e. employment letters indicating the following:
Length of employment
Duties performed
General evaluation of the student's abilities as a caregiver, etc.
Interview with the Program Director
Submission of the following forms:
Employment Letters or Experience Verification Form
Schedule an appointment with the Program Director
Attend a Personal interview with the Program Director, includes a review of previous experiences
The Program Director will recommend the amount of credits
The actual amount of credits given will be determined in agreement with the Clinical Instructor whom will evaluate the student's performance during Clinical Placement.
The student will be notified once credits have been approved and applied to their student file.