Moodle Class Page
To access your class page, go to:
Moodle Help and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Please select the topic below to learn more about how to best utilize Moodle during your educational journey
MoodleCloud is simply an online learning platform where you can access and participate in your courses.
As a student you can:
Access Course Content, incl. Lesson Plans, PPTs, etc.
Access review materials
Take Quizzes and Tests
Submit Assignments
Engage in Discussions
Check Your Graders
Mobile Access (via Moodle Mobile App)
View Announcements and Updates
Track Your Progress
And More!
Computer Requirements:
In order to succeed at Metrocare Health Academy, we ask that students utilize the following computer and system requirements to access all of the resources and classes.
Desktop or Laptop Computer
Windows 10 or later
MacOS X (10.13 or later)
Tablet Computers
Windows 10 or later
iPadOS 13 or later
Mobile Phone (not recommended, but can be utilized to access content)
Android 6.0 or later
iOS 13 or later
We highly recommend that you:
Use the latest version of our supported browsers:
Desktop: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge;
Bandwidth requirements
The bandwidth used by Zoom will be optimized for the best experience based on the participants’ network. The app will automatically adjust for 3/4/5G or WiFi networks.
Recommended bandwidth over WiFi:
For high-quality video: 1.0 Mbps/600kbps (up/down)
For 720p HD video: 2.6 Mbps/1.8 Mbps (up/down)
For 1080p HD video: 3.8 Mbps/3.0 Mbps (up/down)
For gallery view receiving: 2.0 Mbps (25 views), 4.0 Mbps (49 views)
Summary of Zoom Tech Specs:
MoodleCloud Tech Specs:
In order to browse a Moodle or MoodleCloud site, you need use a supported browser. For optimal performance, enable cookies and JavaScript.
We highly recommend that you:
Use the latest version of our supported browsers:
Desktop: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge;
Mobile: MobileSafari, Google Chrome;
Have cookies enabled;
Have JavaScript enabled (for many Moodle features to work).
Students cannot create their own Moodle account.
After the Admissions process is complete, the College will create a User Name, temporary Password and enrol you in your Moodle course.
Your login information will be sent to you via your email. You will be asked to agree to Moodle’s terms and conditions and change your temporary password.
If you are having issues accessing your login information, please contact the office.
Note: In Moodle, the admin create the users first and only give them a student or teacher role once they are in the course.
The admin will log-in to the administrator account.
Click Site Administration
Click the Users tab
Click Add a new user
Add your user details
Create username (first name.fullname) (example: brad.pitt)(use small letters)
Details needed:
First Name
Last Name
Email address
If you want their new account details emailed to them, click Generate password and notify user
Click Create User
In the address bar, type:
Log in to Your Moodle Account
Username: (first name.lastname) (ex. john.smith)
randomly generated during account set up or provided by you.
Click “Log In” button
Note: Students are expected to abide by the College’s Confidentiality Policies, respecting to keep all user credentials, incl. usernames, passwords, etc, confidential and not share with other parties*
Check if you are in the Metrocare’s Moodle Site:
Check if you put the correct username
If you forgot your username or password.
Click the Lost password?
At Search by email address, put your email address used to create your account and click Search
You will receive an email with your username and link for password reset
Click the link and you will type your new password
Then, you will directed to your dashboard. Don’t forget to note your new password.
Install the Moodle App on your mobile device
Logging Into the Moodle Mobile App
On first launch, the App will request the web address of our Moodle site. Type: and press CONNECT!
Type the your username and password to log into your account.
Now, you could see your PSW Course listed if successfully logged in.
After logging in, you’ll be directed to your Moodle dashboard. This is your home base where you can access all your courses, activities, and settings.
My Courses: The dashboard typically shows a list of your enrolled courses. Clicking on a course name will take you to that course’s page.
Profile: Usually located on the right side, click your user profile picture, this block provides links to your user profile, grades, calendar, messages, and other features.
Accessing Your Courses
Find Your Courses: On the dashboard or via the navigation block, you’ll see a list of courses you're enrolled in. Simply click on any course title to enter the course page.
Course Content: NACC PSW Course is divided per module. Every module contains reading materials, assignments, quizzes, module reviews, module tests, and more.
To read reading materials simply click the Lesson. It will automatically direct you to the reading material.
Attendance will be recorded on Moodle.
Instructors will record the attendance at the beginning of every session
Student CANNOT record their own attendance, but can check their own record by clicking on the attendance icon at the top of each module
If a student believes the attendance record is incorrect, they should bring it up with their instructor to fix the issue
Most of the PPTs/Slides shown in-class can be downloaded and reviewed at a later time.
To download the PPT/Slides:
Go to your Course Page
Scroll down to the corresponding Module and specific Lesson
Find the sub-title “Lesson Slides”
Click on the Blue Link with the desired Chapter number.
Select the Destination Folder on your computer of the downloaded file
Note: Please note that you may need a PDF viewer, powerpoint or other software to open to file
To submit an assignment through Moodle:
Go to your Course Page
Scroll down to the specific assignment
Click on the Blue Assignment Name
Click on the “Add Submission” button
Click on the “Submission Acknowledgement Statement”
Add any necessary text in the “Online Text” box
Drag your Assignment File to the “File Submissions” box
Click on the “Save Changes” button
If you have any difficulties, please contact the MHA Office.
Students will verify their identity multiple ways:
Registration: Provide government Photo ID
Classes: Webcam must be on during classes with face visible
Tests: Webcam and microphone must be on during the whole duration of the test. Eyes must be visible.
Item description
Safe Exam Browser is a customised web browser, available for Windows (7, 8.1, 10), macOS (starting 10.7, recommended 10.11 or newer) and iOS (9.3.5 or newer). The application must be downloaded and installed on the device that the student uses to attempt the quiz.
If done within Moodle, on a quiz page, students are offered some choices. They can – depending on your settings – either
Download the Safe Exam Browser. This button redirects to the configured download location for Safe Exam Browser, default is
Launch the Safe Exam Browser, which applies the settings and sends the students to the quiz starting page.
Note: The "Launch Safe Exam Browser" button to start the quiz in Safe Exam Browser from another browser works with Safe Exam Browser 3.0.1 for Windows and Safe Exam Browser 2.1.5pre2 for macOS onwards only. For other Safe Exam Browser versions, please use "Download configuration" and then open the downloaded config file, which will start Safe Exam Browser into the quiz.Download the Safe Exam Browser configuration file. - This also allows you to use the configuration file as a template.
Return to the Moodle course.
Different measures assure that the Safe Exam Browser used for taking the quiz is in fact using the correct configuration and no modified or manipulated Safe Exam Browser can be used.
How to Log-in Moodle
Open Your Web Browser
Moodle is accessed through a web browser, so make sure you have an up-to-date browser such as:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
2. Type
4. Log In to Your Moodle Account
Once you've arrived at the Moodle site, you'll likely see a login page. Here's how to proceed:
Enter Your Username and Password:
You will be asked to enter your login credentials, which typically include a username (first name.full last name) (example: Brad.Pitt) and a password (provided by you or chosen during account setup).Click “Log In” or “Sign In”:
After entering your details, click the login button to proceed.
Navigating the Moodle
After logging in, you’ll be directed to your Moodle dashboard. This is your home base where you can access all your courses, activities, and settings.
My Courses: The dashboard typically shows a list of your enrolled courses. Clicking on a course name will take you to that course’s page.
Profile: Usually located on the right side, click your user profile picture, this block provides links to your user profile, grades, calendar, messages, and other features.
Accessing Your Courses
Find Your Courses: On the dashboard or via the navigation block, you’ll see a list of courses you're enrolled in. Simply click on any course title to enter the course page.
Course Content: NACC PSW Course is divided per module. Every module contains reading materials, assignments, quizzes, module reviews, module tests, and more.
To read reading materials simply click the Lesson. It will automatically direct you to the reading material.